Wednesday, October 27, 2010


Welcome to my blog where I will be experimenting with lots of web 2 technologies.


  1. Module 1
    This first module was relatively easy to follow. However, I have not been able to make a gadget for my igoogle page. I enjoyed adding all the different gadgets and I now have lots of fun things to do on my page.

  2. Web 2 Technologies Module 1.
    I enjoyed making my iGoogle homepage and customising it with the things I use regularly. I lvoe knowing the weather and doing the puzzles each day. It is important for me to know the time in the USA as I am in the process of finalising my trip to the the USA as part of the scholarship I won. I couldn't make the gadget that was required.

  3. Module Two - Creating and Exploring blogs.
    I had difficulty in getting the blog started but followed the tutorials and got it up and running. I had to email Mick to assit me in making the blog public. So thank you Mick.
    I can see a great use of blogs in the classroom as a point of reference for students to return to see the work covered in class and to comment on it. Not only is the information available at all times it is also accessible.

  4. I love this series - Ted talks. I was wondering if anyone is a follower of this?
    I used this site alot when teaching Stage 6 Economcis, but the topics cover many subjects not only education.
    However we have used Ken Robinson talks as discussion starters for staff meetings and professional learning days.
    MY next task is to learn how to upload this youttbe clip to my blog ( if it is possible)

  5. Module 3
    This module was the easiest one to get through to date! I have used "My Classes" before and posted class notes, work for when I was not in front of the class, past HSC papers and answers and so on. google docs allows for more people to access the work and comment on it. It is a work in progress and allows for comments and editing on the original document. It allows for students to work collaboratively on a piece of work that not only engages the students in your class but has the opportunity to open it up to many other students.

  6. Module 4
    This is the link to my pohoto but I am unsure as how to put a photo in from Flikr!!!
    There was lots of fun stuff to do here but am still wary of who I allow to see these photos. The last thing I want is for my photos to go "world wide"!
    I will need some tutoring on how to put a photo into this blog. I think it is just a matter of sharing a link or URL but am not sure.
